poniedziałek, 3 czerwca 2013

'Bear me' references I

To zabawny film o dziewczynie i niedźwiadku. Narratorka Lili opowiada nam historię o swojej podróży w towarzystwie pewnego uroczego, niezdarnego niedźwiadka. Opowieść pokazuje relacje z rosnącą bestią...

BEST STUDENT ANIMATION Palm Springs Int Shortfest First Place – Bear Me (Germany, Poland), Kasia Wilk
A young woman’s object of love, and other desires, is a surprisingly strange choice in her seemingly otherwise quite normal world.

* CIVIS 2013 Prize winner European Young CIVIS Media Prize
"Bear me" is an amusing animated film about love, everyday life and everything that is part of a relationship from an idealistic point of view. One day Lilly discovers a bear waiting at the bus stop and takes it home with her. At the beginning both are inseparable, but there are some discrepancies little by little in her relation. Lilly does not further take these into account. Whether fair-haired or brown, whether great or small and why the bear should be an exception? It is only a little different.

* Bear me in Dublin 2013!
Freshly Squeezed International Student Short Film Festival kickes off on May 12 with a number of screenings and workshops piped up for the whole day of movie madness. Among this year's shortlisted there is ''Bear Me'' directed by Kasia Wilk. This talented Polish animator created a story of a little bear and a girl as her diploma project at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg during her student exchange.

 * Prix du Jury pour Bear Me de Kasia Wilk
 Ce Week end, en tant que juré du Festival Internationnal de court metrage d'animation Court mais bon du Puy en Velay, je ne suis pas peu fier d'avoir pu distinguer l'excellent Bear Me de Kasia Wilk, c'est beau, c'est intelligent et ça nous change un peu de tous les erzsatz et autres pâles et lisses imitations en 3D de Pixar et Dreamworks.
Et oui, j'avoue, en bon teigneux que je suis, je me suis bien fighté pour que ce film ait le prix du jury !

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